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What made you decide to work in the AEC industry? 
I originally chose to study architecture because of the blend of creativity and logic. I further found myself interested in the impact architecture can on both humanity and the environment. This realization shifted my perspective to perceive the world through a lens that acknowledged design’s potential to address societal challenges directly and help people.

What do you like most about working at ACI Boland? 
I enjoy the atmosphere, where everyone has a friendly-face and is willing to go out of their way to help.

What is your favorite thing about working on projects?
My favorite thing is to help the project team to create design solutions to clients’ concerns and challenges by placing myself in the clients’ shoes and seeing their wants and needs. Bringing these wants and needs to life is something I am passionate about.

What is something about you that would surprise people?
I have played basketball, volleyball, soccer, and softball. My childhood was filled with tournaments almost every weekend!

What is your dream vacation?
I would love to go to Italy and explore all of the major cities and smaller, beautiful towns.

What advice would you provide someone interested in architecture?
I would tell someone to ensure they feel passionate about architecture and to research what exactly it means to be in this career field, possibly by job shadowing and reaching out to firms. Then, I would tell them to begin networking and creating a portfolio for themselves as they grow in their education and in the career.
  • Education:  The University of Kansas – Master of Architecture (2025)

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