Why did you decide to work in the AEC industry?
I’ve always been inspired by beautifully designed spaces, what makes them beautiful and what makes them
work well for people.
What are 5 hashtags that describe your personality?
#IPA’sandwallsections #stopmakingmeuseAutocadGary #coffeemakesmyworldgoround #blueheelermom
What is something about you that would surprise people?
I grew up in Mainz, Germany.
What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
A plot of land.
Where is your “happy place”?
A hammock in the mountains.
What is one skill you would love to learn to do?
Hang gliding!
How do you spend your time outside of work?
Volleyball, kickball, painting, sketching, rock climbing, live music, movies, and a whole lot of dog park.

- Education: Iowa State University, Bachelors in Architecture